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Crossing the Pass at Night

What keeps you up at night?

Up until about two years year ago, falling asleep was no problem for me.

Now, it's a problem.

Which isn't that interesting, except that while I hang out waiting to fall asleep, my thoughts reflect the worst of my fears writ large.

And it's always the same thing.You aren't doing enough and you aren't good enough to succeed.

Fear's message: This crossing is too dangerous to pass.

Turn back.

No matter what our personal goals are for our creative work- every single one of us will stare at the ceiling after dark and grapple with our fears.Fear of failure, fear of being judged, fear of succeeding, fear of desiring, fear of being found out for the fraud we believe we are. 

These fears are part of our human condition.  

I have a client who is so afraid of failing despite her proven talent, that she freezes when it comes to establishing new habits for her creative work. 

She knows in her mind that a new habit will increase her creativity ten fold or more. 

But her fear scares her into believing that she will be even more vulnerable to criticism - more likely to fail. 

When she approaches this new crossing, her anxiety is physically palpable. 

Her heart races.  Her skin crawls. 

She runs from her studio and does no work at all.

But she can't run from her longing.

That remains.It lets her know something wants to be expressed that breaks all the old rules fear put in place to keep her safe.  

She wonders:

Do I have what it takes?

Will people I love listen, support or accept my choices?

Her longing, the whisper in her heart  - believes in her courage to find out.

And that is the work we are doing together!

To change a belief rooted in fear - we have to work all the angles!

VISION: Allow yourself to imagine what an embodied future will look and feel like if you realize this big vision. 

CONNECT: Find or create a community of likeminded others that inspire you, show you a way forward, share resources.

PRACTICE - Repeating limiting thoughts is a practice - but not the good kind.  Replace old patterns with conscious practices that build confidence, self-awareness and connection.

SELF-COMPASSION:  Be kind as you navigate new terrain and encounter old fears. All growth is a healing journey.

PLAYPlay is a creative tool! Try something new, even a small morsel of effort can move you forward in a big way.

SUPPORT: Get a coach. I've got mine. (And I can be yours!)

We benefit from having a champion and guide at important junctures in our lives who help us accelerate our process and connect to the aliveness that comes with taking courageous action!  

If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a commitment to grow bigger than the fears that we raised into mountains to block our path forward.  

Are you ready to cross your pass?This is an invitation to engage in a creative process of discovery.   S

Start with: What keeps you up at night?

Dream Big!


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