You will think less of me.
That was my fear-thought last week as I prepared to share a recording of a recent performance.
Can you guess what fears activated that thought?
Fear of judgment. Yeah.😬Fear of being seen as an imposter. Oh yeah!😨
My dear artists, you know how it feels when something we've created hasn't quite met the mark.
Even worse is to believe the thoughts that come with our fears.
Old beliefs have stopped many of us from taking creative risks in the past.
For a while now, it has been my mission to help women navigate the beliefs that fuel our fears and stop us from growing.
So when I feel the fear that comes with taking a creative risk, I have to walk my talk.
Here is the thing - and I know I don't have to tell you this, but I need to get it out:
Unless we can tolerate the discomfort of being inside a creative process, we won't create anything new, and we won't grow.
We won't get better at our work, we won't stretch any further, and we won't build our resilience to forge ahead.
I'm not saying that we have to let everyone into our process willy-nilly.
But we have to be willing to allow iterations of our creations to see the light of day so that they can become something else.
Embrace Imperfection!🎉
Cut your imperfection some slack!
The missed marks, rough drafts, spilled paint, dry runs - can we just accept them for what they are?
They are essential touchstones in our process of becoming the women we long to be.
Can we allow ourselves to be inside a process knowing it's going to be a holy mess most of the time?
Sometimes I'm not so sure myself.
That is why I have to nail down my commitment to do this work.
And that is what I want you to do right now.
Declare Your Commitment!📣
Tell me what you are committed to creating in your life.What words will you choose to reflect your commitment?
A powerful commitment will help pull you forward when you get torpedoed by fear-thoughts and it's a cornerstone of my coaching practice.
Are you committed to more joy and connection in your life and work?
Are you committed to play and experimentation?
Are you committed to self-compassion and self-awareness?
🏅Your commitment is a guide and a champion - it reflects what you care about most.

Honoring your commitment is a powerful reflection of your courage.
Will you think less of me if I show you where I am inside my process?
Maybe you will.
But if I am honoring my commitment to taking risks to grow, then I will take the risk anyway.And I know you will too!🎭💃🏽🎨🎶✍🏽
Your's in building our courage to create,