Two months ago I signed up for a single theater improvisation class.
I signed up not because I wanted to face my fears of being judged 🙀and humiliated🙀, but because I was 100% COMMITTED to presenting my first keynote.
I knew that in order to get to that BIG GOAL (My First Keynote), I had to take some small steps that would help me prepare for feeling a little scared on the big day.
Turned out that my mom got sick.
I missed the class, but I gave the Keynote (and I found another way to get scared ahead of time, lol).
My mom is better (YAY), AND I didn't forget about that improv class.
So just before I gave my Masterclass on how to commit to a BIG future GOAL - I signed up.
And this time I committed to a two-month improv course with a culminating performance presentation.
I scared myself just writing that.
I don't like feeling scared, but I am still 100% committed to: staying grounded in my Self and alive in my body so that I can excite women to take their own risks to grow bigger than their fears!
So that means that I am also committed to feeling scared sometimes.
There is no denying that this improv course will honor my commitment because it will help cultivate MORE:
⬆️more confidence
⬆️more self-compassion
⬆️more humor
⬆️and more ALIVENESS
>>>> than doing nothing different at all.
Of course, I had to psych myself up little to press "send payment."
To psych yourself up, I recommend you do these two things first as you dream into 2025:
1. Remind yourself about how much you've already accomplished, risked, and created that took courage and commitment. 🎉
2. Write your declaration statement for 2025. I am committed to (fill in the blank). Choose language that expresses what matters most to you to create, feel or experience first. Then if you have a big goal, put it in there too!
After I pressed "send payment" I went right into teaching my Masterclass.
That soft landing into the Masterclass gave me the opportunity to excite participants about their own commitments and declare their next big goal.
By the end of the HOUR (yes, it really can take just an hour to do this work), this is what was declared:
🚐"I want my memoir to get turned into a multi-city speaking tour and workshops across the country and beyond!"
🎤"I want to give a motivational speech to a group of strangers, maybe through The Toastmasters?!"
📒"I want to write and illustrate a book - a children's book!"
🎭 "I started writing this one act play. I really want to finish it and submit it, and I'm, like, terrified, but I really want to do it."
Fun right?! If we stay open to what scares us, we might just find that what excites us!
What is the small step you might take if your big goal was already declared?
