There is an anonymous saying that goes something like this:
"We are all invited to live two lives; the second one starts when we realize 'I only have this one life.'"
Coaches who work in the creative space know the moment when that second life begins.
Clients come to us at the door of that next journey, determined to live free from the beliefs of the past, to make new choices and to become aware of and care for all that makes it difficult to do so.
The first step through that passage begins by surrendering our war with reality.
When we are at war with what is, we will suffer.
This past weekend, I caught myself in a thought ready for battle.
It was a critical thought that said to my partner, "What's wrong with you? You have a cold. Tough out dude. It just a cold."
That thought comes from a protector part of me that is a very angry drill sergeant - Hello Battle-Axe Betty!
She comes from an old belief I took on in childhood: If I fail in my responsibility for the mental health and stability of my family system, some bad stuff will happen.
So I allowed myself to observe the thought over the next few days as it came in and out of awareness.
Just making the choice to observe the thought as a thought made it possible for me to stay in the present moment and to be kind to myself and to my partner.
After a few days, we shared our observations with each other, I explored that old belief with him and we created a deeper understanding between us and self-connection to the truth of our own experience.
Our life is made up of countless small moments just like that one.
Only they aren't small at all.
They are invitations to step into our second life!
As you enter a season where triggers are aplenty - you might ask yourself:
What thought lies between between me and courageous connection?
In that space is a passage forward.